Singer Wilson Abubakar Radido popularly known as Willy Paul now claims Diana Marua Bahati is frustrating him in the music industry, something that has made major brands in the country refuse to partner with him.

In a statement that has caused a frenzy online,the singer popularly known as Willy Paul has urged Diana Bahati to leave him alone as she is a past tense in his life.”Wadau mimi nataka niambie Diana Bahati aache kunifuatilia na kuua dreams zangu. Mtu kama wewe Diana sahi naeza kukuandika tu kama mboch wangu and not a business associate. Unaringa na nimekudinya mara mingi?” Willy Paul posed

Diana, who recently ventured into music, released a video in 2021 claiming that Willy Paul tried to rape her three years ago in his house.“He came on top of me and started pulling my skirt up and tearing my top…I’m trying to scream for him to get off me. As I was screaming this guy was choking me… so eventually akaniondokea and that’s when I got the chance to open the door and run away.”

“My top and skirt zilikuwa zimeraruka…nilikua nakimbia kama mwendawazimu until I spotted a motorbike that helped get home. I have been pushed to tell my story… Willy Paul you attempted to rape me,” an emotional Diana narrated.Willy Paul strongly denied these allegations, saying they were choreographed and ill-intentioned.

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