Soulful Chanteuse and actor Sanapei Tande now says not having children and remaining single gives her a sense of freedom that her friends who are parents and in the marriage institution don’t have.

From an early age, Sanaipei Tande says she knew deep down that she didn’t want children or get committed into relationships. Maybe it stemmed from seeing other women sacrifice their dreams and work just to raise kids.

The idea of pregnancy scares her a lot as she doesn’t want the responsibility that comes along with it.

In recent months,the actress advised women to ensure they have their own money before getting married.

The 38-year-old believes most women blunder when they blindly rush into marriage without something of their own therefore ending up on the fringe when the union collapses.

“Having a job is very important. If you have a job and it pays, stick with it. It’s because we have seen people breaking up and they are in situations where they can’t cater for themselves. You must have something of your own, even if your man wants to take care of you, because you never know (about) tomorrow,” Sanapei said.

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