Parliamentary role of oversight is to question, to force daylight into dark corners, and to use the rules to force attention if not also disclosure. Sabatia constituency residents in Vihiga County have faulted their current MP for being a stooge of the government instead of representing the interests of the masses in Parliament.

The rise of household names like Sisco Mbindi have clearly shown that they understand the work of parliament including scrutinising budgets, draft policies and laws, and representing the interests of their constituents

His policies clearly show that a Member of Parliament  needs information to review, debate, and input into draft policies and laws proposed by governments, if these are to be effective in tackling development issues something that the current MP has terribly failed.To Hon Sisco Mbindi, an MP needs information about their constituencies and constituents to be able to effectively represent their interests in parliament and ensure parliament effectively responds to the development needs of constituents through its three functions of oversight, legislation, and representation.

Under the new constitution, parliamentary oversight of the executive branch is crucial to the proper functioning of our democracy because it is the principal way the executive branch is held accountable.

So as every Member of Parliament takes the oath of office that requires them to “obey, respect, uphold, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Republic of Kenya”, they also commit to constantly and vigilantly review the executive branch of government that administers the laws.

But the devastating reality is that the current Member of Parliament of Sabatia behaves as if he took oath to “protect and defend his selfish interests ”, treating any disagreement as heresy, brooking no dissent and demonising opponents while only listening to his few puppets.

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