Musician Juliani has continued to criticise his ex wife Lilian Ng’ang’a maintaining that had he listened to his mother’s advice then he would not be going through a hard time now.

According to the artist,his decision to move in with Lilian Ng’ang’a who without notice called it a quit on Alfred Mutua was met with resistance from his family members but he turned a deaf ear since he was deeply immersed into love.

Juliani has faulted Lilian Ng’ang’a as a hard headed insatiable woman who does not respect the marriage institution at all. According to him,he tried everything humanly possible to make things work but Lilian’s love for the third leg worsened things.

“Men also go through a lot but nobody speaks about this. I tried being a man but all my efforts were future and so I decided to let nature take over. This is my second heartbreak and I must admit I am going through a hard time. Na mamangu alinikataza tu na huyo mama lakini sikusikia” a dejected Juliani spoke to a local Gossip site amidst sobs.

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