One key area that has been overlooked in Kenya is the civic education of Kenyans on understanding the roles of a Member of Parliament. Hon Sisco Mbindi is a leader from Sabatia constituency in Vihiga County who has shown an interest in being in the next Parliament come 2027 as he clearly understands the roles of a legislator.

Like it has been said before Kenya ails not from lack of laws, rather from the absence of the political good-will to implement them. Like in Sabatia constituency, residents have criticized the incumbent Member of Parliament who has never legislated anything in Parliament but always in the group of selfish MPs always politicking to try score a point to the masses and looting from the CDF kitty to death hence denying the area meaningful development.

This absence of political good-will is fed by the mismatch between Kenyans’ expectations and the mandate of elected representatives as outlined in the Constitution, and this mismatch is as a result of the electorate not fully understanding the roles of the different arms of government.

Hon Sisco Mbindi comprehends that the question of accountability of the funds being allocated to counties and different state organs can effectively be addressed by Parliament through their oversight role. When Members of Parliament sleep on their job, they provide optimum conditions for the corrupt to steal from Kenyans.

Being a scholar who understands real issues in life, Hon Sisco Mbindi has clearly exhibited his capacity to put Sabatia constituency on the map again as he will develop policies and discuss parliamentary business generally representing the interests of the electorate.

Having all this in mind, it is important for constant, consistent citizen sensitization on the law to take place for Kenyans to be able to hold their leaders to account. An informed citizen is an empowered citizen.Sabatia constituency is now ready for progressive leaders like Sisco Mbindi who have proved time and time again that they have the interests of propelling the country at large foward.

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