If you have ever interacted with Honorable Sisco Mbindi then you will definitely know why he is favorite to the masses in Sabatia constituency .Sisco Mbindi has been commended by national leaders and residents of Sabatia constituency for championing for the rights of the vulnerable groups from  boy child ,girl child to the downtrodden in society for a long ttime.

He is a leader who is always on the forefront to call for equitable share of resources in Vihiga county and the country at large.Brought as a very strong village boy, Sisco Mbindi has been propelling the education sector in Sabatia constituency and Vihiga county forward as he believes an educated society is what is needed in achieving developmental goals in any country.

He speaks of his school life journey and how he worked tirelessly to further his education up to the Masters level at The University of Nairobi.

Having outcome many hurdles in life, Sisco Mbindi has not forgotten where he came from hence immediately he started gaining influence in society, he did everything humanly possible to sponsor the education of most children in an effort to transform them positively.

Various religious leaders have also noted that Sisco Mbindi a staunch believer in the Almighty God hence best fit to be emulated by many in the society.

Sisco Mbindi is reported to positively impacted the society even going into his pocket to clear hospital bills for vulnerable patients and economically  boosting the lives of the lowly by iniating cow projects for them and building houses forthehomeless.Hon Sisco Mbindi, a social leader and a problem solver is clearly the next big face in the politics of Sabatia constituency and Vihiga county at large as he has tirelessly stood for the right agendas always.

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